Please read through our Services below, then our Terms and Conditions / Policies page, then continue to the Contact / Booking Form page to fill out the booking and details form.

You can download a consent form, print and sign it for your apppointment, if you’re unable to do so can provide you with one on arrival.

  • Pricing

    All prices are estimates, and will differ according to circumstances mentioned in this listing below.

    Prices will be subject to change on an upward basis in accordance with yearly costs.

  • Ethical use of Products, Tools and Hair

    In our spa-salon all the products used on dogs are sensitive, cruelty free and often made with organic or ethically sourced products.

    We try to make sure the majority of packaging is sustainable, recyclable or compostable and, or made from recycled materials. The same applies for the tools with recyclable metals for scissors, blades, combs, brush bristles, and wooden / bamboo brush handles. The towels used are also made from recyclable or sustainable materials, or have been upcycled.

    We also like to collect the dog's hair into a different bin, which allows it to be chosen if needed, to be recycled with environmental organisations such as this one: If you follow the link you can join in too.

  • Nail Appointments

    Nails: £6 - 5mins

    Nails and Pad Hair Trim: £10 (must be dry and clean) - 10mins

    Paw Balm: £2 (Nurturing balm for dry pads)

  • Puppy Introductory Groom: From £40

    Estimated Time: 1hr - 2hr

    This is a gentle shampoo, condition and dry, to introduce and get the puppies used to the processes and noises. It can include tidying of the eyes, sanitary area, pads, feet, trimming nails. Nose and paw balm.

    Professional introductory grooming should be started at 3-4 months, or as soon as vaccinations have been completed. This is to help the puppies get used to the process before they start having a full groom. Full grooms will start from 5-6 months.

    It is recommended to wash and brush, use a lukewarm hair dryer, and touch the dogs feet and nails regularly at home. This will help desensitise them for professional grooming. We can provide recommendations.

    Estimated Prices: Small: £40 - Large +: £46

  • Short Haired Deshedding Breeds: From £44

    Estimated Time: 1hr 15 min - 1hr 30 min

    Includes a shampoo and condition, blow dry, blaster de-shed, special brush de-shed, nails, pads trim. Nose and paw balm. Eye clean and ear clean.

    Estimated Prices: Small - Large: £44 - £48 Large + : £50 - £60+

  • Long Haired Deshedding Breeds: From £50

    Estimated Time: 1hr 45min -4hrs

    Includes a shampoo and condition, blow dry, blaster de-shed, brush de-shed, comb through, rake through, nails, pads trim; and can include a scissor trim / thinning out in desired areas. Nose and paw balm. Eye clean and ear clean.

    Estimated Prices depending on size, but also time frame. Small - Medium: £50 - £56 Medium - Large: £58 - £66 Large+ : £68 - £100

    Example: Pomeranian, Nova Scotia Toller, Australian Shepherd, Sheltie, Shepherd, Border Collie, Rough Collie, Bearded Collie, Golden Retriever, German Shepherd, St.Bernard, Malamute, Husky.

  • Full Grooming / Clipping / Styling: From £48

    A Full Groom can be started at 5-6 months.

    For dogs that require scissor work and clipping. Pre-clip (if manageable and clean enough), shampoo and conditioning, blast dry / blow dry/ fluff dry, nails, pad trim, armpit trim, sanitary trim, and styling. Eye clean and ear clean and pluck*. Nose and paw balm.

    *Ear plucking will be included if there is only a small amount of hair. If there is a mass build up, this will require a full ear pluck, which will be £10 extra or recommended Vet treatment. Ear plucking won’t take place if there is an ear infection and will need to be treated before doing so.

    - Plus £6 for matted Dogs: This will require a consultation and consent to remove, and will require a form.

    By law it must take under 15 minutes to demat. If matting is in large areas / clumps or attached to the skin, this will require shorter comb attachments or shaving to remove comfortably from the dog.

    Animal Welfare Act 2006 states that it is against the law to cause unnecessary suffering to animals. When dogs are matted it is unnecessary suffering. To remove it without causing suffering, discomfort or pain, is to remove it by shaving, so there is no pulling of the skin.

    - Plus £6 Temperamental Behaviour / aggressive tendencies for majority of groom. In circumstances where the dog will bite, we will have to use a muzzle. If the dog is only aggressive for one part of the groom but fine for the rest of the groom, we will only use a muzzle for that duration. If the dog shows minor aggression, we may advise that you get sedation from your vet, for the grooming to continue. But if the dog shows very aggressive behaviour and is a danger to us, others and themselves, we reserve the right not continue to groom the dog.

    Please allow a minimum of 2 hours grooming, it could take less time, but it could take 2 hours plus, depending on the breed, coat type and condition of the dog.

  • Non Drying Groom:

    Estimated time: Similar to a full groom

    A groom for dogs that do not like the dryer. We will need to come to an agreement that you will either: wash the dog at home and bring it in dry for us to groom them; or bring them in clean enough and dry (not wet or muddy) for us to groom them, give them a bath and a towel dry.

  • Extra Small / Small - Medium Breeds: From £48

    Estimated Time: 1hr45min - 2hr

    Example - Maltese, Chihuahua, Toy Poodle, Maltipoo, Maltishon, Cavapoo, Cavashon, King Charles Spaniel, Yorkshire Terrier, Miniature Schnauzer, Cavalier King Charles, Bishon, Havanese, Dachshund, Schnoodle, Cockapoo, Cavapoo. Terrier Mix, Poodle mix, Bishon mix, Maltese mix, Chihuahua mix, Cavalier Mix.

  • Medium to Large Breeds: From £52

    Estimated Time: 1hr45min - 2hr+

    Example - Cockapoo, Cocker Spaniels, Springer Spaniels, Australian Labradoodles (smaller), Goldendoodle (smaller), Miniature Poodles, Poodle Mix, Medium Mixed Breeds.

  • Large Breeds: From £58

    Estimated Time: 2hrs+

    Example - Goldendoodles Labradoodles, Setters, Saluki, Borzoi, Standard Poodle Mix, Large Mix Breeds.

  • Extra Large / Giant Breeds: From £70

    Estimated Time: 3hrs+

    Example - Standard Poodles, Deerhound, Black Russian Terrier. Extra Large Mix Breeds.

  • Handstripping Wire Hair Breeds: From £64

    Example: Terriers, Schnauzers. Estimated Time: Dependent on size and coat length. 3-5 hrs

    Estimated Prices: Small- Medium £64-£80 Large + : £80-£100

    Includes stripping / plucking the coat, cool soothing bath with sensitive stripping shampoo. Desired Trimming on request.

    It is recommended to start as a Puppy, to get the dog used to the groom. It should not be a painful process, but some dogs might find it uncomfortable.

    If the dog will only tolerate handstripping along the back, then it is recommended to scissor or clip to blend the rest of the coat. If the dog will not tolerate any handstripping and will cause stress, it will be recommended to clip the dog instead.

    If the coat is not suitable, or has previously been clipped instead, or not needed for showing, it is not recommended to carry out handstripping.

  • Wash and Tidy:

    £10 off a Full Groom Clipping Price.

    Estimated Time 1hr- 1hr 30mins

    This includes: Bath, Blast Dry / Blow Dry/ Fluff Dry, Brush, Comb , Nails, Pads, Armpits, Sanitary, Light Styling. Eye Clean and Ear Clean.

    This service is only between grooms. For a 2 or 3 week cycle of Full Groom then Wash and Tidy, Full Groom, Wash and Tidy etc.

    (This service will also be recommended if a customer is 15mins late, and provided the dog is in a regular and not matted condition. As well there will only be enough time to complete this groom. The customer will have to pay Full Price still for the groom, as that is the allotted time slot given. )

  • Grooming Extras

    Blueberry Facial £4 - 8mins - Added to the full groom. A soothing facial massage with dog spa blueberry cleansing and conditioning product, that removes excess dirt and lifts staining.

  • Fleas Policy

    Please do not not bring your dog into the premises if it has or had fleas recently. Make sure your dog is fully flea treated before coming in. If you are unaware and we find fleas on your dog during consultation, we will ask you to politely leave and rebook for another time. If the fleas haven’t been detected until the start of the grooming process, we will let you know and we will give the dog a flea bath. It will be recommended that the dog goes shorter, for you to be able to treat the dog further.

    There will be a £12 charge extra to the groom. The reasons being: the flea shampoo will have to sit on the body for extra time; we will also have to take time to clean and sanitise all grooming equipment and areas affected; we don’t want to cross contaminate with other dogs coming into the premises.

    We will recommend a flea shampoo, and buying a flea bomb for your home, to kill the fleas that might be still living in any bedding or soft areas of your house. If you have any other animals, make sure to have them checked too.

  • Ultrasonic Teeth Cleaning

    Includes Ultrasonic Cleaning and Dental Descaling. It is a toothbrush that will emit high frequency waves of ultrasound and combined with the special toothpaste, that will help to break down / soften the plaque. It will then require a dental tool to remove the softened plaque.

    £40 Per Session - Depending on the plaque and temperament of the dog, the mouth can be completely cleaned in one session. Majority of the time, two sessions are required. 40mins is allowed per session. It can be an add on to the groom.

    *We cannot guarantee that the plaque will be removed in one to two sessions, it may require more.

    £8 per Touch Up Session - This can be achieved by every groom or every other groom (on a regular 6-8 week grooming basis).

    If there is a mass build up over 4 months, another full session will be required.

    You will need to consent to using the toothbrush and the dental tool. We will not do the procedure if we think that the dog needs a professional veterinary assessment.

  • Pregnant / On Heat

    It is important not to put the dog under any unnecessary stress during pregnancy, as it can result in abortion of the babies.

    It is also important not to put the dog under stress on Heat as they’re hormones will change. They will also be more vulnerable to bacteria.

    We do not believe in giving pregnant dogs or dogs or on Heat full grooms. So you should always consider having a groom before pregnancy starts, and make sure the groom is shorter in preparation for long weeks ahead.